The Future
of Intelligent


Automate 88%* of Your Document
Workflows with SmartIDP AI!

Streamline document workflows with our specialized platform

Optimized Transactional Workflows

ERP System

Seamless compatibility with major ERP systems including SAP, Oracle and more.


Workflows transformed end to end, from scanning to document approvals.


Rapid, error-free document processing compared to manual entries.

*Tailored for seamless integration with SAP, Oracle, and other ERP systems. Get in Touch


Revolutionizing Document Automation

Experience seamless integration with ERP systems and unparalleled document intelligence through SmartIDP AI. Streamline your workflow and enhance efficiency with our cutting-edge solutions.

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Quick Tour

From data capture to document approvals

Raising your AI document processing to the next level

IDP Shapes the future of business.

Leveraging cutting-edge advancements in LLMs and Gen AI to elevate the performance of processing transactional documents within intelligent document processing.

  • Data Capture
  • Validation
  • Reporting

Trained on millions of complex transactional documents, SmartIDP's LLM technology guarantees unmatched accuracy on any document format, no matter how complex the structure of document is.

  • Adapt to different styles of document without manual configurations

  • No need to pass detailed inputs into your validation process

  • Extracts and understands complex objects like nested tables and grids

Save 82%* of time on validation with SmartIDP AI document processing solution that speeds up review time, reduces human intervention, and improves the data capture process.

  • Save 82%* of validation time with SmartIDP's AI-driven automation

  • Accelerate review times by minimizing human intervention

  • Streamline your document workflows effortlessly

Analyze your document processing with built-in reporting and dashboards to see key metrics, spot trends, and identify document processing optimization insights.

  • Drill down into users, queues, document types, and fields

  • Meet delivery SLA with error-free data

  • Track your total expenses and analyze top vendors

easy 4 steps

Simplify Your Workflow

  • 01


  • 02


  • 03

    Data Capture

  • 04

    User Workflow

Effortlessly streamline your document processing with SmartIDP's intuitive four-step solution, from uploading or scanning documents to seamless integration into user-level approvals and existing workflows.

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See how can SmartIDP transform your business operations

Recognized as a trusted enterprise solution by industry analysts and loved by customers

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    Keystrokes Saved Anually

Accounts Payable

Manage invoices and matching to reduce costs, take advantage of discounts, and mitigate risk/errors.

Supply Chain MGMT

Upgrade from template-based legacy OCR to AI-powered data extraction for your supply chain documents.

Your dedicated SmartIDP
demo is just a click away.